Allied Academies

About Conference

With the unique feedback from the Polymer Chemistry 2019, The organizing committee would like to announce the commencement of the 3rd International Conference on Polymer Chemistry and Materials Engineering during November 21-222019 in Singapore.

Polymer Chemistry 2019 is a technical Conference which includes keynote addresses, general oral presentation sessions, panel discussions from specialists of Engineering, Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Electronics, Photonics, Physics, Chemistry, Polymers and other partnered arenas of Polymer chemistry and Materials Science.

The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to Academicians, Researchers, Scientists, Industrial Professionals and students to unveil their research work and create a forum for effective sharing of ideas to face the future global challenges from the perspective of rising trends in engineering and technology. Polymer chemistry 2019 highlight the ever-increasing and basic need to energize creative engineering solutions with potential for worldwide reach. This would be a wonderful opportunity for networking and will cultivate everlasting friendship among fellow partners.

Scope and Importance

· To encourage regional and international communication and collaboration

· To promote the interaction of professionals and lifelong learning

· To Recognize outstanding contributions of individuals and organizations

· To hold awards to enhance research and developmental activity in the area of Polymer chemistry and Materials Science.

· To function and co-operate with other like-minded national and International organizations and use their good offices for furthering the objects of the society and serve the community at large.

· To encourage and assist the professionals engaged in Materials Science to maintain the integrity and competence of the profession and foster a sense of partnership among them.

· To design, develop, market, purchase, sell, import and export any products or materials of Materials Science, Engineering, Biomaterials, Nanomaterials and other fields related to Polymer chemistry and   Materials Science.

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